Thursday, July 12, 2012


A mixture of dissimilar ingredients; a jumble
n. mixture; combination
a random mixture


1.the quality or state of being happy 
2.good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.

Why did I choose the name Hodgepodge Happiness as the title of my new blog?
I want my blog to be just that.......mine.  I want it to reflect who I am and all of the many things that make me who and what I am today. My journey has changed. My passions have changed. I never know from day to day what I will be doing or what it is I will be able to do. My life is a hodgpodge now and I find I'm liking it that way most days . :)  I hope you will stick around and join me in my Hodgepodge journey.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Welcome to your new blog! I have no idea how to use blogger. I'm just bumbling through!

  2. Looking forward to seeing all your HodgePodge Mary. Luv YA!

  3. Looking forward to seeing this blog grow Mary! :o)

  4. Very nice photo's Mary. What ever blog you choose I will follow:)
